
The Windmill
This sculpture designed by Ruth was first installed by the Enav Center atjacent to Tel Aviv's City Hall. it was subsequently reinstalled by the senior housing building in Jaffa.
The Cannery
Ruth Meghiddo was invited by Stavi Architects of San Francisco to be Artist in Residence for the design of a 30,000 square foot office of the Coudert Brothers Law Firm at the Cannery.
Magnolias on Magnolia
Commissioned by the City of Long Beach's First Council, this built magnolia is a prototype for thirty magnolias to be hung on street posts along Magnolia Avenue as a street identifier.
Signal Hill
Finalist artwork to commemorate Signal Hill.
World Trade Center Memorial Design Competition
Our entry for the memorial had for objective to create an evocative, culturally non-specific design in scale with its surroundings. It had seven components: 1. The Hug; 2. the Tower's Footprints; the Samarium; the Virtual Hall of Heroes and Victims; the Wall of Ninty-Two Nations; and the Wall of Light.
The Vault
Ruth Meghiddo was commissioned to design a "wrap around" of a new theater/restaurant on a former bank building, in downtown Long Beach.
By Ruth
"My experience both as an architect and as an artist compells me to engage in a form of expression that aspires to reunify the two disciplines as they were..."
Ruth Meghiddo
/by Ruth Meghiddo

By Rick
"I started to draw early in my life. Later on it evolved into architecture, yet I never saw the two as separated. While in architecture I submitted to rigor and discipline, drawing remained a form of freedom from any conditioning. That's what my artwork is all about."
Rick Meghiddo
/by Rick Meghiddo

Fallen Soldiers Memorial
A design competition for a memorial on the Golan Heights.
Walker Building Installations
Two installations at the Walker Building by Ruth.